
Posts Tagged ‘Diabetes’

I decided to try to call my husband to see if I could tell if he was drinking or not.  He answered around 11:15 or so.  He sounded OK, not too drunk but it was actually hard for me to tell or not.  He could be, but he also could just be coming down off of it.  Only time will tell.

The bad news is that he is out of insulin.  We don’t have health insurance and he has a program through his doctor to get it.  He ordered it, but it hasn’t come in yet.  If it doesn’t come in this afternoon’s shipment, we won’t have it at least until Monday.  The kind of insulin he needs is quite expensive and there is no way I can afford to buy some right now.  I don’t know what to do.  No, it’s not really my problem, but if I want him eating food and not drinking this weekend, I need to find him some insulin.  I hope the shipment comes.  If not, then what?

He told me he wasn’t drinking and hadn’t since last night, but once again, all I have is hope that he is telling me the truth; hope that he isn’t drinking today.

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