
Posts Tagged ‘study about alcoholism’

Hello all,

I was recently contacted by a student at Clark University in Worcester, MA.  He told me that he is working on his dissertation which focuses on the spouse’s role in a person’s decision to seek help for alcohol use issues.  The study is designed for married couples for whom alcohol use is an area of disagreement in their marriage, and is intended for people at all levels of alcohol intake.

We can all relate to this, am I right?

I’d like to ask all of you to take a moment to check out the questionnaire.  It has been fully approved by the University and all responses are anonymous and can be completed entirely online.  There is even a drawing for a gift card as a Thank You for responding: 

Participate in a survey on couples and alcohol use and enter to win a raffle! 

Are you and your spouse legally married and at least 18 years of age?  Do you or your partner currently consume alcoholic beverages at least once a month?Is alcohol use an area of disagreement in your marriage?  

If you answered yes to the above questions, you and your spouse are eligible to participate in a research survey regarding the relationship between your marriage and your alcohol-related help seeking behaviors.  When you both complete the survey, you will each be entered into a raffle for one of four $50 Amazon.com gift cards!  The survey will take each participant approximately 20 minutes, and survey responses will be anonymous. https://surveys.clarku.edu/AlcoholUseSurveyStart.aspx

I urge you all to help this gentleman out.  Maybe one day this dissertation and the results will help someone suffering in this cycle of abuse and living amongst it. 

I promise a personal update soon; I also promise there is LOTS for me to update.  Hope all is well for you.

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